Welcome party for seminar studentsi08/04/26j

@Welcome party for new seminar students of Professor's laboratory was conducted. This year there are 8 new seminar students join our laboratory. Besides, laboratory's OB, Mr. Hashino, Dr. Muroi and Dr. Otkur also joined in this party.


The party is taken place in Fairlady Hall, 2nd floor Dr. Ishizaka lead the toast
Everyone enjoying the meal New seminar are getting familiar with their senior students
Mr. Tippichai, Mr. Ikeshita and Laboratory's OB, Dr. Muroi Dr. Ishisaka and another laboratory's OB Mr. Hashino
Everyone introduce themselves Finally, Professor Fukuda had a warm welcome speech to new seminar students
Moving to another place to have 2nd round party The atmosphere in 2nd round party
Mr. Okamura was singing Karaoke seriously The atmosphere in 2nd round party